Having the right app for your tablet or smartphone can make all the difference in the world. It can help you become better organized and more efficient when tending to business-related material. Conversely, the most effective apps can also help you get more organized in your everyday, personal life. However, there are so many note-taking and organizing apps from which to choose. How do you know which ones are right for you? These are the best note-taking and organizing apps.
EverNote Is the Best
EverNote is the best note-taking and organizing app out there. It is set apart from other, similar apps by its ability to affix items to notes, which can be everything from PDF files to audio to video. This app even allows you to fashion entirely new notes by using any of these three methods. At the same time, this app may be a little complicated because you really need to read over its instruction page. The various icons on its main screen and different notes are not intuitively grasped.
ColorNote Places a Close Second
This note-taking and organizing app takes you back to the basics of doing things. Featuring color-coded practicality and simple, straightforward design, it is the opposite of complex and almost too easy. Its interface is easy to move through, and its search ability is located in the upper right corner of the app. The menu options also make finding notes a breeze, which you can then sort by specially designated colors.
Middle of the Pack: MobisleNotes
This is a note taking and organizing app that is defined by just three main screens as you work with this app. These three screens are the note itself, the notes screen and the note folders screen. Master the use of these three screens, and you will be able to use MobisleNotes with ease. This is a minimalist design to be sure, which should appeal to beginners who are not yet that familiar with note taking and organizing apps. Even moving from checklist to plain text and back is easy.
In Fourth Place: Catch Notes
Interestingly, Catch Notes bears the most resemblance to EverNote. So if you want EverNote-lite, then get Catch Notes. The beauty of this app is that it permits you to establish reminders, store sound bytes and pictures, and record basic text notes. In Catch Notes' lingo, there are "spaces" in which you can save all your various notes. Said "spaces" can then store notes on various topics, personal items and even miscellaneous things.
Bringing Up The Rear is GNotes
GNotes brings up the rear, and it provides you with a seemingly intuitive design, at least at first glance. While it can seem straightforward at first, the more you use GNotes, the more you will see that it's actually a bit more complex and offers many different features. This applies to everything including taking photos, attaching items to a note, and using voice recording.
These are the five best note-taking and organizing apps. They will help to make your business life and even your private life easier. With just some tinkering and experimenting, you should efficiently be able to find your way through these apps.