It's not uncommon for businesses to switch from having a brick and mortar office to having a virtual office instead. While having a virtual office can save money on overhead costs, some employees are wary about
Working from home. Below are five common misconceptions about working from a virtual office.
You Are Less Productive If You Work From a Virtual Office
One common misconception is that people are less productive if they are working from a virtual office. There is no boss to look over your shoulder and give you a stern talking to if you're not working hard enough. While working from a virtual office does require self-control, studies have found that most employees who work from home are actually more productive than their colleagues who work from an office. Individuals working from a virtual office tend to work more hours, they're more frequently on time, they take fewer breaks, and they take fewer sick days. According to studies, productivity gets a big boost when working from a virtual office.
It's Harder To Get Distracted When Working From a Virtual Office
The other side of the coin is that it is impossible to get distracted when working from a virtual office. Again, this is a misconception. Just like in an office, employees in a virtual office can get distracted, tired, or bored. It's possible to give in to online distractions or to be distracted by things that need doing around the house. It does take self-control to work effectively from a virtual office.
You Can Work Wherever You Want
The idea that individuals who run a business from a virtual office can work wherever they want is a very common misconception. The reality is, individuals are most productive when they have set up a work or business environment. Virtual office employees should have a desk where work occurs each day, and this should remain separate from where you relax. Working from a coffee shop or restaurant will likely not result in high-quality work. Like regular business employees, virtual office employees need routine.
You Can Sleep In Every Day
Similarly, virtual office employees cannot work whenever they want. Again, routine is integral to maintaining good work habits. While the schedule might be slightly more flexible, there are still restraints: you can only speak with clients within certain hours, for example. Sleeping in late every day is a common misconception, as eight hours of good work still needs to get done during the business day.
Working From Home Frees You Up To Do Errands
This is a common misconception those who live around virtual office employees have. Just because you're working from home, that does not mean you are free to do errands or socialize for hours on end. Make it clear that even if you are at home, during certain hours you are on the clock.
A virtual office can save a business on overhead costs like rent, utilities and Internet. It could also result in increased employee satisfaction, as commute times are reduced and there is more flexibility. However, running a business from a virtual office does take discipline, so it's imperative that employees know how to manage themselves when they're not working in a brick and mortar office.